How Senti uses cookies


Senti respects the privacy of our users and is committed to protecting all forms of personal information that users have sent to Senti.


By accessing, browsing and/or using Senti.Cloud or, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be subject to the terms and conditions of this cookie policy and therefore agree to use cookies in accordance with these terms.

In general, our users can visit Senti.Cloud or without telling us who they are and without disclosing any kind of personal information. Senti.Cloud and uses cookies to ensure the best user experience. Cookies are small text files that are located in the user's browser to track usage traces and store preferences. Our cookies do not contain information that can identify people.


Cookies can be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: A persistent cookie is stored by a browser and is valid until its set expiration date if it is not deleted by the user before the expiration date. However, a session cookie expires at the end of a user visit when the browser is closed. We use both session and persistent cookies at Senti.Cloud and

We also use Google Analytics to analyse the use of Senti.Cloud and Our analytics service provider generates statistics and other website usage information through cookies. The cookies for web analytics that we use at Senti.Cloud and have the following names: _ga, _gat.


The information generated in relation to Senti.Cloud and is used to create reports on the use of Senti.Cloud and

Our Analytics Services Privacy Policy Provider is available at:

Users can manage and/or delete cookies - for more information, please see


Blocking or deleting all cookies has a negative influence on the stability of many websites. If users choose to block our cookies, they are not able to use all of the website's properties.


The policy may be updated from time to time, e.g. due to modifications of relevant legislation or changes in our corporate structure. We encourage all our users to periodically re-read this page for the latest information on our data protection practices.




© 2016-2024 All rights reserved. Senti is an open source IoT Service Platform designed and developed with favorite in Aalborg, Denmark